Republican Candidate Chrissy “CaBoom” Casilio Goes Full “Homina Homina” Trying To Explain Right Wing Posts


Clarence, NY—Sporting a stunned “Who me?” expression and looking around for her daddy—Clarence Supervisor Patrick Casilio—Republican candidate for Erie County Executive, Chrissy “CaBoom” Casilio went through Jackie Gleason like “homina hominas” when questioned about her recently scrubbed social media account which promoted right wing conspiracy theories about January 6 rioters, Damar Hamlin’s near death experience and more.

Chrissy “Who me?” CaBoom Casilio

Suggesting January 6 rioters were paid actors and Hamlin’s injuries was a PR stunt by the Bills, “Ms. CaBoom” made clear that her social media posts were merely attempts to “grow the algorithm.” As a “marketing PR person” she has a certain expertise with how the “Twitter algorithm works” and simply was doing what every batshit crazy Republican does with such information: spout baseless conspiracy theories and falsehoods, in place of more civic minded activities like getting the word out about the area’s local farmers markets or how to donate to cancer research at Roswell Park. 

Also, her familiarity with the Twitter algorithm led her to “provoke” a conversation about the debunked involvement of online furniture retailer Wayfair in the sex trafficking business. According to sources “Ms.CaBoom” was tired of the hold Hillary Clinton seem to have on all the pedophilia and sex-trafficking stories. While not as sexy as Clinton drinking the blood of children, the allegations about Wayfair, nevertheless did merit attention from the brain dead right wing Hannity loving knobs and tossers following her.

“Kim Pegula – Stroke…Damar – heart attack…John Murphy stroke…but don’t question anything! All normal!”

Asked by “Investigative Post,” a non-profit investigative website what was up with scrubbing her Twitter account “Ms. CaBoom” assumed the high minded victim role:

With no record to run on, Mark Poloncarz and his lackeys are already on the attack to try and distract voters from the issues. I’m not a professional politician like Mark. I’m a business owner, a mom, and a taxpayer who is angry about Mark’s failings and I am running to do something about it.

And, as a taxpayer and a mom, observers expect “Ms.CaBoom” to address property taxes and school busing issues. As a Republican you can also expect her to address the trans issue head on: trans fats, Trans Ams, Transit Lanes, translations, TransAtlantic flights, transactions, people who are transfixed and the most pervasive color in her hometown of Clarence—translucence.

“Ms.CaBoom” hopes to thwart the reelection bid of Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz for an unprecedented fourth term.