Buffalo, NY—This weekend marks the publication of local author P.A.Kane’s third book, The Last Playlist: A Sonic Epitaph. Several years in the making Kane expects the book of personal essays to be met with general indifference and mediocre sales. Despite the probable lack of interest the 1.5 millionth ranked Amazon author is very proud of the book and is calling it a transdimensional reading experience.
According to Kane this book is unique in the realm of memoir writing in that it combines narrative essays with a music playlist. And not just any playlist, it’s the music playlist that is to be played at his rock and roll funeral party—hence, The Last Playlist.
Kane explained, “Most people who write memoirs have had big, exciting life experiences or have achieved a level of success that interests people, but my life has been pretty much just like everyone else’s: lots of hard work, economic insecurity, long stretches of mastabatory torture and burbon. So I had to come up with the gimmick of linking my story to a playlist.”
Kane also acknowledged that maybe it wasn’t the best move from a marketing standpoint to release his book the same weekend as Barack Obama’s, A Promised Land. “I guess decisions like these are part of the reason why I’m the 1.5 millionth ranked Amazon author. Furthermore, though I don’t have anything going on nearly as exciting or intense as the planning and execution of Osama Bin Laden, I do tell the semi-tragic, semi-sweet story of how my first ever girlfriend dumped me when I was twelve-years old and how it led me to my musical Zen master, Todd Rundgren.”
Though Kane’s expectations remain modest he does hope to push his author ranking into the 1.2 or 1.3 million range. And while he moves up the author ranks his bigger ambition is to influence maybe tens of people to know the genius of artists like Neko Case, Todd Snider and Paul Westerberg and to help people understand the upside of going bald in your early twenties—the money you save on haircuts is a small fortune
The Last Playlist: A Sonic Epitaph is available in both print and e-book formats on Amazon and on 11/22 0r 11/23 (fingers crossed) at Dog Ears Bookstore & Cafe– 688 Abbott Road, Buffalo,NY 14220. You can find out more information about the book at www.pakane.net and you can listen to The Last Playlist at his YouTube channel.